
Bossert sod house Mercer – McLean County

Photos of the Rudolf Bossert sod house south of Mercer in McLean County, ND. I was visiting North Dakota in the summer of 2005 and my Uncle Don took me on a road trip south of Mercer in McLean County to visit the farmsteads of his great-uncle Rudolf Bossert and his great-grandfather Andreas Bossert. In […]

Gizmo 2005-2019

Gizmo died last night; she was walking less for about the last month and in hindsight maybe caught is sooner. She usually woke me up at 4:30 – 5:30 am to be let out to pee. About ten days ago, this stopped. My other dog, a massive twelve pound Shih Tzi, was taking pills and […]

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is big in the Episcopal Church, which is a small “c” catholic church. Personally, I enjoy the service partly because it’s mid week and is a big change from the Sunday morning routine. The service really changed for me in the last several years. I don’t remember Ash Wednesday in 2016 or 2018. […]

Writing Encore

Hello, I’m back with my writing encore. This domain was down for over a year and now it’s up so I can write outside of the evil social media giants. A six month break from all social media! Dumped some platforms forever! Social media is limited to niche uses. Blood Donation I was donating blood […]

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